Market Research & Digital Marketing

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About Us

Hello! We welcome you to our market research & digital marketing company. In this generation, data being one of main role for business development. We have more than 10 million database around Indonesia. We are ready to collaborate through research & digital marketing based on what your business needs.

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Happy Clients We have successfully helped more than 200 of our clients to find their Marketing Target for their products


Research Projects with more than 800 research projects that we have successfully assisted


Years of experience with 10+ years of experience in marketing research we are ready to help you reach your target


Awards with 20 awards, proving that we are able to help you achieve your marketing targets

Million Database

Databases with more than 10 million targeted databases from all over Indonesia we are able to provide our best service To Find Your Targets

Province Team

34 Province Team All Around Indonesia With a total of 34 teams spread throughout Indonesia, we are able to provide our best service wherever and whenever

Our Value


Communication is an important element in an activity, therefore we have an effective communicative principle to support our services to those of you who have entrusted your Marketing research products to us.


We uphold integrity and a sense of professionalism in order to provide our best service to those of you who have trusted your Marketing research products to us.


With 9 years of experience in the field of marketing research and several awards we have received, we are able to provide professional and structured services to those of you who have entrusted your Marketing research affairs to us.


with innovative services we are able to provide our best services for those of you who have chosen us to conduct Marketing research on your products & we will do our best

Business Unit

Our Products

Advertising Research

Analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns as well to find the right media and content for a brand.

Brand Crisis Management

Company strategy in building or restoring a brand image.

Brand Research

Purposeful research to find data and information to develop marketing strategy for a brand as a whole.

Competitiveness Monitoring & Research

Research and monitor the competitiveness of a brand and compare the development of competitors on the same product/services.

Content Marketing

Planning, creating, and distributing a brand content to attracts customer on a targeted basis.

Corporate Social Responsibility Studies

To help company launches CSR program on target in order to maintain brand in its market and competitiveness.

Creative Branding Management

Company strategy to find, create, and advertise brand with targeted creative content.

Customer Behavior Mapping

Classifying customer behavior for distribution policy and product variants of a brand.

Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty

Research and monitor the competitiveness of a brand and compare the development of competitors on the same product/services.

Market Opinion Maker Research

Public figure and expert opinion research for a brand.

Pricing Research

Research to provide an information for customers to develop pricing strategy.

Product Research :

Research to find out what kind of product and which type of it that will satisfy customer.

  • New Product :  Research based on a needs, but there is no product to meet these needs
  • Improvement : Research based on urge to improve the existing products to increase customer satisfaction.

  • Property Research

    Research conducted in the property sector to find out customer needs in terms of property, and create strategies based on customer behavior.

    Retail Research

    Research study to find out customer psychology about products related to their daily needs, asks for comments about the products to be better.

    Social Media & Media Monitoring Research

    Research or analysis to find out what people think of or conversations about a company, brand, individual, or public figure on a platform and to find out the sentiment from media users. These platforms is online media, mass media or social media.

    Social Media Branding Management

    Process of creating, scheduling, analyzing, and involved with content or branding of an individual, a product, or company, in social media platform.

    Meet Our Team

    Xsagha Team

    Hanta Yuda AR

    Founder & Executive Chairman


    Managing Director

    Yoki Alvetro

    Chief of Strategic Communication

    Parama A Sumbada

    Chief of Program Innovation

    Ahmad Luthfi

    Head of Research Strategic


    Head of Networking Strategic

    Eka Azwin Lubis

    Head of Branding Strategic

    Arib Anang Ma'ruf

    Head of Digital Innovation

    Ahmad Fadhil

    Head of Visual Innovation

    Rizki Ramadhan

    Data Analyst

    Sri Hardianti

    Data Analyst

    Anandya Devan Alfarizky

    Data Analyst


    Networking Specialist

    Faizal Didik

    Media Specialist

    Hardian Indra Rukmana

    Creative Specialist

    Aditya Huda Pratama

    Digital Specialist

    Contact Us

    XSAGHA is powered by Poltracking Indonesia. We provide high quality market research & digital marketing to help find your “X Factor”

    Poltracking Indonesia Tower
    Jl. TB. Simatupang No. 26, Jatipadang, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12540

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